Since the talk is all in Spanish, I give you a short summary of what I spoke about.
Essentially, I introduced myself as an artist, founder of Estudio Nuboso and advocate for the intersection between ecology and the arts to address social and environmental concerns. Then I proceeded to explain how I came to this point, starting with the time spent growing up in the varied nature of Panama, particularly the cloud forest, where the seed for Estudio Nuboso was born. I tell the story of how I moved to Europe to grow both as an artist and in experience with projects that deal with art, ecology and community; as well as the various projects I initiated that dealt with dance and performance in context. The massive influence dOCUMENTA(13) and all the artists there had on me: art as a site for dialogue. And particularly how that event in 2012 gave me the impulse to look at ecology more closely and go for the gold, testing out a Multidisciplinary Residency program in Panama – SUELO – which I described briefly (you can find out more about that project right here on this site)
I defined the way I understand ecology: the study of the whole system of interactions and feedback responses an organism has with its environment – that includes us humans and our home. That makes our culture a reflection of our interactions with the world and fellow living creatures.
I talked about the potential for Estudio Nuboso as an artistic platform to be an open and flexible context to bring different people together to address environmental and social issues. Although the lessons learned from the SUELO residency are still materializing, our approach seems to work – as some consultancies have come our way since then. What is certain is that it was a successful pilot – it has great potential for producing profound, inspiring art & experiences; strengthening human networks; community empowerment; as well as corporate social & environmental responsibility. Moreover, the field of Art offers a wonderful channel for sharing knowledge and building bridges between rural experiences and urban manifestations.
The organizers of the TedX called me a cultural ecologist – which I appreciate and accept as a title 🙂 I hope you all stay tuned in as Estudio Nuboso develops!